TW artist christina sassayannis TW artist christina sassayannis

marcella simonelli


Always interested in art and creative world, she takes photography as her artistic language which has changed the way she looks and feels things. She starts her aesthetic and perception research through the camera. The project that she prefers are where different artistic fields are involved. After the first solo show “Ossessione Vesuvio” (1998-1999) she participated in personal and collective projects in Italy and abroad, also winning some prizes. She has participated in conferences and provided images for editorial initiatives. Water is the element where she is discover her self and the beauty of the world.

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paolo altieri AA paolo altieri AA

alessandro rolandi

Born in Pavia on 18th april 1971. He studied Chemistry, Experimental Theatre and film-making and History of Art. He has been living and working in Beijing since 2003, as a multimedia and performance artist, director, curator, researcher, writer and lecturer. His work focuses on social intervention and relational dynamics to expand the notion of art practice beyond existing structures, spaces and hierarchies and engage directly with reality in multiple ways.

He is the founder and director of the Social Sensibility Research & Development Department at Bernard Controls Asia in 2011.

His work has been shown, among other venues at: Venice Biennale2005 and 2011, WRO Wroclav Biennale 2011, Caochangdi PhotofestivalBeijing 2009,-2010-2011, Museo Pecci,  Milano 2011, MCAF Gent-CAAW Beijing 2008/2009, Asia Panic, Gwangju Biennale 2009, FUSO VideoArt Lisbon 2012, Get It Louder Beijing-Shanghai 2011, UCCA Beijing, 2012, Fringe Festival Beijing 2012, Beijing Design Week 2012-2015 MACT/CACT Ticino Bellinzona, 2013, EXIN China Independent film festival Nanjing-Beijing 2012-2013, OCAT Xian 2014, Institute For Provocation 2014-2015 Beijing, Maxxi Roma 2014, Savvy Contemporary, Berlin 2014, ACMI Australian Center For Moving Image, Unicorn Center for the Arts 2015, Intelligentsia Gallery 2014-2015, Arrow Factory, Beijing 2015 Pingyao Photofestival 2015, Espacio de arte contemporaneo, Montevideo, Uruguay 2015, Royal College of Art, London 2015, Trinity Square Video, Toronto, 2015, Chogqing photo-video Biennale 2015

He is a contributor/writer to the following online blogs and art magazines:  Hyperallergic, Asyalist and the art magazine Randian

In 2011 he was nominated by the Global Board of Contemporary Art among the best performance artists for the Alice Awards 2011 with Megumi Shimizu for the performance "Something on the way".

Co Curator of 2016 BMAB Beijing Media Art Biennale ‘Ethics and Technology’.

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

bernadette vincent

Belgian, currently living in Cambodia.

Telling stories is my passion, whether using photography, painting, drawing, writing, theatre, dance, or a mixture of it all. Images are very powerful but also allow our imagination to take off on its own... I have had the privilege of traveling and living in many countries, and realize what I knew all along, we are all the same, full of sad, happy, strange, extraordinary and ordinary stories waiting and wanting to be told... 

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

massimo stragapede

Writer and photographer
In 1998 published his first novel “Il torneo di Viale Monaco”.
In 2004 published the novel “Il camminatore”.
In 2006, together with other writers,  published the project “Pallafatù”.
In 2010 his reportage about the contemporary Russia become an exhibition and a book: “Vado dove mi portano gli occhi”.
In 2011 he held an exhibitions “Colori di Puglia” in Tianjin and Chongqing, in China.
The same year, he installed the exhibition “Io non brucio” in an italian forest devastated by the fire.
His novel “Restare, partire”, released on March 2013.

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

alberto storari

Born in San Bonifacio (VR) in 1975 and currently lives and works between Vienna , London and Bologna. After the Art school diploma he starts attended the classes of Professor Concetto Pozzati, and graduated at the Bologna Academy of Fine Art in year’ 2001. He begins to work at the MAMBO ( Bologna Modern Art Museum) and acquire the teaching degree in pictorial disciplines. In recent years Storari was the personal assistant of Maurizio Bottarelli and Giuseppe Spagnulo masters of Art, and he also gave his contribution in various theatrical staging.

“Mare Nostrum"  Paestum a magical place and that the ancients chose to build one of the largest places of worship and importantMediterranean.Weather conditions and time confused sea andsky, the light comes front and outlines a horizon infinite, once again the relation between the place and history speaks of a extraordinary energy.

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

olga stefatou

Freelance photographer and multimedia journalist based in Beijing. 

She grew up in Athens, Greece. She studied photography at the Technological Educational Institute of Athens and obtained her Masters degree in Multimedia Journalism in 2012 in China from University of Bolton, UK. From 2003 to 2005 she was assistant to Magnum photographer Nikos Economopoulos. Her work has appeared in several Greek and international publications.

In 2010, she participated in the collective multimedia project The Prism 2011. Since 2006, she has been working on her project 'Silent Crossing', in Burma. The last two years her documentary work has focused on violence against women in Athens and Beijing. Olga has given photographic courses to people with mental disabilities at the Social Association 'Ef Zin' (in 2010) and to the employees of Procter & Gamble company (in 2011).

Group Shows:

'Silent Crossing', 2012 First multimedia art festival (Yangon, Myanmar)

'Sex trafficking', 2011 Kondra art festival (Thessaloniki, Greece)

Locus Loci, 2010 Photobiennale photography festival (Thessaloniki, Greece)

Make History, 2010 Lee (Modena, Italy)

Prestige, 2004 Photosyngiria photography festival (Thessaloniki, Greece)

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

arvin samson mamhot

I grew up in a family of teachers in a small town in the central part of the Philippines. During my elementary and high school I was always a part of a glee club or a choir since my family are keen at music and the arts. This is where I started my passion for photography as my brothers ‘ painting and drawing inspired me to pick up the camera. In college, although I was studying as a teacher then, I find time to visit museums and art galleries to hone my eyes and continue my passion for photography. As of the moment, I am staying with my wife and son; teaching English at the university here in Phnom Penh and at teaching basic photography, mostly in the genre of street photography. 

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

enrico ponzone

Italian entrepreneur, writer and freelance photographer.
Born in Milano, brought up in Tangiers, Morocco, he then studied in Belgium and moved to London to work in finance. His first encounter with photography occurred in the early 90's during a course with Magnum Photos Patrick Zachmann at the Rencontres Internationales de la Photographie in Arles, France.  In 2001 he founded a photography website which became a reference in travel photography and partnered with leading travel portals, hospitality sites such as Relais & Chateaux as well as photo archives like Scala Group. Enrico is a keen traveller with a particular focus on Africa. The photos presented were taken during a field trip in Nubia, Sudan, in April 2011.

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

simona peci

Born on 1970 in Montefiore dell'Aso (AP) Italy. She graduated from School of Art. She attended courses of theater and photography and participated at photography competitions and poetry. She published poems and won photography competitions (Italy).

"The man is always in search of his amniotic fluid to be able to find himself and the sense of security that water remembers him, hiding among its blue dreams."

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

carlo pisa

Carlo Pisa was born in Italy. Currently he lives and works between Italy and Russia.

In 1982 he started studying photography and began work as David Lees’ assistant on the staff of the photographers of the Time Life group. He also was part of international working teams and was involved in international workshops on photojournalism hosted by Alex Webb, Bob Sacha, Tomasz Tomaszewski and Jane Evelyn Atwood. 

From 1984 to 2004 he worked as a professional photojournalist.

All his editorial works are a sensitive attempt to tell stories about people and places making use of a language which enabled him to express the frailty of the images of the life we have before our very eyes.

As of 2004, he has been engaged in individual researches meant to be the first step of an exclusively artistic path.

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

manuel morillo

 “I do not remember when I took a camera for the first time, but I remember clearly the first time I did it intentionally. It was for a trial competition, and the pictures were crap. I thought the camera had something to do with it, so I invested in my first reflex and continued to take bad pictures for a long time. One day, I started my own life, left my house, left my country, and started to know other lives and realities. The camera did not have that much to do with it. If the pictures don’t come to you, then you should go to shoot them…”

Was born in Seville, Spain, in 1971. Started in photography on his own in 1990. In 1995 went to live in London to have a try, but life took other ways. In year 2000 went to Guatemala to work with a foundation dedicated to work with kids living in marginal areas, using photography as a tool to change things. He continued with them for eight years, and at the same time working in his own projects or assignments from organizations. In the last years, he has worked for Red Cross International, ChildFund and FAO Guatemala, among other local organizations, and has shown his work in four countries in different solo and group exhibitions.

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

nicola longobardi

Was born in Bologna (Italy) and very soon felt a strong attraction towards visual arts which later became the language that he uses to express himself.

After two years spent in China, Nicola decided to focus his talent on photography and signed up for a master in photojournalism at the John Kaverdash Academy of Photography in Milan. Once the master was over, Nicola started to work and travel in different countries with the purpose of telling the peoples‘ stories through the eyes of his lenses, living many lives in one long lifetime. 

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

dav leakpheakdey

Woman photographer born in 1989. She is a Studio Image student 2012 at the Institute of French Culture (IFC). Besides as a young photographer. She is a Legal Associate at Gordon & Associates. She live in Boeung Chhouck Village, a suburb city of Phnom Penh. 

Her Photo describe the way she is worrying: 

“Having found my young life in a corner of nature, I am so worry with the change to my village. Rubbish has been ignored and the rain stream brings it to the everywhere, to the water source, to my old primary school, and to my house. The life is getting suffer, the fish, the water tree, and the human as well.”

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

hoeng keomakara

He was born on 06 January 1986 in Battambang Province, Kingdom of Cambodia. When he gradueted High School in 2004, with art artistic ability, he decided to persue Bachelor Degree of Arts in field of Design at Singapore University, SETEC in Phnom Penh Capital. After he graduated in 2009, he had been working as Interior Designer at Thai-American Company nmed Yianko Associate for 3 years. Then, he moved to work at Nagaworld as Interior Coordinator for a period of time until he went back from Japan with Young Artist Exchange Program.Regarding to Photography background, he used to win two local Photo competitions organized by Cambodia-Japan Cooperation Center in 2010 and 2011. He partecipated and won Interantional Asian-Korea Multimedia competion in Seoul. In South Korea he attended the Studio Image Photography Class at Institute Francais di Cambodge in 2012. In the same year he organised the first solo exhibition in Tokyo and in Phnom Pehn.

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

anna kahn

Anna Kahn (Rio de Janeiro, 1968) studied photography at the School of Visual Arts, in NY. She moved to Paris in 1999 where she lived untill 2007. The exhibition "Portraits of Absence", inspired by theme of death, was displayed from November 2007, in Rio. And "Magic Eye”, a peek into the interiors of Copacabana, in 2009. The project “Fryslan through foreign eyes” was an artistic residence in the Netherlands. In January 2012 she had the solo exhibition "Faceless Bullets”, at the Murkudis Gallery, Berlin. Currently AK is part of project "5East-5West" curated by Jean Loh, founder of Beaugeste Gallery, Shanghai, with the theme of water.

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

gabriele fanelli

Born in Francavilla Fontana (BR) in 1986. He studied Philosophy at the Universities of Lecce and Torino. attracted by the cameras as a child, he learns to use self, to exhibit his photographs in various exhibitions Puglia and Piedmont. Following participation in a workshopphotography show, became the official photographer of Italy Wave Love Festival for the 2011 edition. In 2012, photographer backstage for the fashion show by designer Paola Pure, at MIFF Awards.

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

olga de biaggio

Born in Udine in 1980. After her studies in Public Relations between Italy and Germany, she began to travel around the world. She always loved to travel and discover new places and cultures through the use of the camera, and her engagement on international development aid allows her to continue to pursue her passion. She worked in Ethiopia for four years, then in Guatemala and Liberia, for the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the United Nations, mainly dealing with women's rights and equal opportunities. She currently lives in London and works for the NGO Plan UK.

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binh dang

Freelance young photographer living and working in Hanoi. While attending Hanoi Industry University of Fine Art, he began exploring himself through photography and started personal projects that helped him to understand more social implications. Recently, his works also moved towards exploring private thoughts where his pictures can become an abstract representation of his mind.

Since 2010, he has been learning photography by himself and has been approaching to become an independent photographer for 2 years ago. He joined in some photography workshops in Asia such as Angkor Workshop, Foundry Workshop, Photography Workshop in The College of Arts in EUNIC’s Open Academy Europe and also get many good feedbacks about his awareness and vision in documentary photography. Now his desire is to reveal different variables of truth in the existence by his concepts and methods.

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emanuele cuccillato

Cuccillato Emmanuel has spent the last ten years in Asia and Africa, working for the management and protection of the environment. Pursuing the idea of a society in balance with nature, has had the good fortune to meet fascinating people and landscapes that seeks to tell through photography.

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cristiana clerici

She works for several years in the Press Office of Ugo Guanda Publishing House, and subsequently in that of Diki Books (children's books). After a few years, she leaves publishing for advertising , starting in the Research Office at Young & Rubicam.
She then passes in JWT and finally in Publicis/FCB, as Senior Account Executive.

In 1994 she moves to London and enrolles at Black & White Photography School. She has exhibited in London at The Mall Galleries and at The Independent Photographers Gallery in Battle.

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