TW artist christina sassayannis TW artist christina sassayannis

nicolò amato

WhatsApp Image 2020-03-25 at 18.33.12.jpeg

Nicolò Amato, alia NessuNettuno. Born in Messina in 1982, where the waters of the Stretto of Messina are as the amniotic fluid in which we grew up, he formed its art.

He approached there with the history of mythical figures such as nymphs, sorceresses, wild women, terrible monsters, strange creatures, whales, fairies, become symbols, allegories, metaphors which he relate to the power of nature, that still today testify our needs and ours hopes. nessunNettuno presents paintings in which he talks about nature, the marine world, fish, plants, and does so in turn through symbols, allegories and metaphors on the wall and streets as new language in the mediterranean.

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TW artist paolo altieri AA TW artist paolo altieri AA

massimo stragapede

Writer and photographer
In 1998 published his first novel “Il torneo di Viale Monaco”.
In 2004 published the novel “Il camminatore”.
In 2006, together with other writers,  published the project “Pallafatù”.
In 2010 his reportage about the contemporary Russia become an exhibition and a book: “Vado dove mi portano gli occhi”.
In 2011 he held an exhibitions “Colori di Puglia” in Tianjin and Chongqing, in China.
The same year, he installed the exhibition “Io non brucio” in an italian forest devastated by the fire.
His novel “Restare, partire”, released on March 2013.

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